Rachel Reed Portfolio
Front End Developer (216)-559-5565

About Me

My name is Rachel Reed and I am a full-time Front End Developer. I graduated from Kent State University in May 2017 with a Bachelor’s Degree. My major was in Digital Science and I also minored in Design. After graduating I started as a full time Front End Developer Intern and then graduated to a Junior Front End Developer in January of 2018. Since then I have continuously gained my knowledge as a developer while also dabbling in design and digital marketing. I have a passion to always grow and be well-rounded in this digital field. In my spare time you may find me coding, practicing design, working out, reading, or hanging out with my friends and family. I hope you enjoy this site that I have put together and please give me any feedback you can. For a more detailed history of my work or skills please click here to go to my digital resume or check out my portfolio here.

My Hobbies


I have been a pretty committed runner since around 7th grade in middle school. I ran cross country and track all of high school and lettered all 4 years. After high school I did try some other classes and workouts but always come back to running. I currently am training for my first half marathon and have done a number of different races throughout the last several years. I love the community involved in running and hope that I can continue my journey to eventually do a marathon.


In my free time I love to read books. I love escaping to a different reality and getting to place myself somewhere else for awhile. Some of my favorites include Letting Ana Go, The Taking Series, Delirium Series, and more. I am thinking of including some of my favorite books and readings in my blog once I get it up and running. So check it out soon!


I took an interest in coding back in the MySpace days. I remember going on and just redoing my profile every single week. Once I realized what coding was, in the 11th grade I got to take a Web Design/Programming class and loved learning more about HTML and CSS. Once I started in college I discovered how many more programming languages and development tools that existed and I got to grow from there. Now I get to do it on a daily basis and I love it.