Rachel Reed Portfolio
Front End Developer (216)-559-5565

Creative Kidz Responsive Web

This project has two different iterations that I completed. On my first iteration, in Spring 2017, I created a responsive web site that I designed and hand-coded with no CMS involved. I have a github repo where I show the steps that I took to complete the project. I went through this process in my responsive web design class. These steps include:

  1. Research
  2. Sketching of Layout
  3. Content Creation and Formatting
  4. Styling Prototypes and Mockups
  5. Final Prototype
  6. Pattern Library Creation

In July 2018 I decided to go through a redesign process of this site. I followed the same steps and iterations.

Click here or on image to view project.

Skills Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Sass
  • jQuery
  • GitHub
  • CodePen
  • Design Skills
  • Sketch
  • Photoshop